December 21, 2016

Report for the 11th AGM and Community Seminar of Hong Kong Society for Adolescent Health on 22 Oct 2016

11th AGM cum Seminar was held on 22 Octob er 2016.

Dr. Anita Tsang gave a warm welcome to all members of Hong Kong Society for Adolescent Health. The annual general meeting was successfully held, and we have the newly elected council members being elected (Council members being listed on other post).
The title of the seminar is "School bullying: what you should know". Ms. Ho presented comprehensive work of Education Bureau on preventive measures in school bullying in the past 10-15 years. A harmonious school environment is one of the goals. Ms. Lee showed us the peer mediation in school bullying. It was an eye-opening sharing. Dr. Tang presented the underlying issues of the perpetuators and victims in school bullying.  The presentation provided us a strong evidence base for future development of the program in prevention of school bullying.


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School bullying and peer mediation 朋輩欺凌與朋輩調解
Ms Eva LEE 李慧芬姑娘
Senior Social Worker, Hong Kong Family Welfare Society

School Bullying and Preventive Measures

Ms HO Kit-wah, Kitty 何潔華女士 
Principal Inspector (Guidance and Discipline), Education Bureau

School Bullying – Psychiatric Perspective

Dr TANG Chun-pan 鄧振鵬醫生
Consultant Psychiatrist, Kwai Chung Hospital

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